Be A #RAKtivist!

While the concept of kindness has surely existed since the dawn of humanity, the idea of a dedicated kindness day or week seems to have started in 1995 in Colorado with the “Random Acts of Kindness Foundation”. Fast forward to...

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January is #MentoringMonth

“A truly great mentor is hard to find, difficult to part with and impossible to forget”. Do you have such a person in your life? If so, you are indeed truly blessed. If not, then as you are considering your new year’s plans, goals, challenges and (dare I say it?)...

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Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Susan Jeffers wrote these words in 1988.  I read her book in 2008.  I lived those words in 2013. Rewind to September 2012 when my inspirational and inspiring friend Tanya threw down the gauntlet after running her first Spartan race in Virginia.  She did...

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Sometimes Common Sense gets Lost in Process

I got up today knowing exactly what I was going to blog about but not having a title in mind.  This is quite typical for me and usually the title is what I write after the post is complete. Today, though, I was able to start my post with the title provided by...

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Lead the Way or Suffer the Consequences

We hear a lot these days about employee engagement.  Although it is important and good to talk about such a critically important topic, it is even more important to act on everything we are learning about what motivates people to bring the best of themselves to...

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Must Do’s for Emerging Leaders …says me! 😉

I have recently begun working with a new crop of emerging leaders on a two year leadership development program.  Emerging leaders are my favourite ‘subset’ of the management group.  After I completed the requirements for my Certified Executive Coach...

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Loyalty in the Workplace: Fact or Fiction?

Today I read a two frame comic that was at once slightly humourous and somewhat sad. A small herd made up of two deer and a moose say to an another moose: “Brian, the herd has discussed it and because you are sick, we’re cutting you from the herd and leaving you to...

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How To Be A Leader Before You Are One

Of all the levels of management I have worked with over the years, I most enjoy working with emerging/aspiring leaders.  Their willingness to learn and their enthusiasm is contagious and fuels my own spirit and passion. Aspiring leaders have many questions of...

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