Leaders Lounge Logo

A worldwide community of leaders!

Starfish has been a proud partner with Leaders Lounge Australia since 2022. We are excited to now offer their proven learning opportunities to Canadian organizations and leaders. 

In 2020, Leaders Lounge was born from the desire to help leaders connect, engage and thrive in a safe, supportive environment. With a rapid growth in remote work and learning, as well as global connectivity, leaders are searching for ways to connect with and learn from other leaders who have walked the journey ahead of them.

By subscribing to the corporate membership program, your leaders will have access to live training, 1-1 coaching, resources and opportunities for experiential learning delivered by a knowledgeable team of learning professionals.

Whether you are part of the public, private or not for profit sector, your leaders will benefit from exposure to leaders across all sectors and across the world!

Click below to subscribe to an array of curated topics and learning methodologies of benefit to your leadership team!